Cnn Takes Out of Context Again

Controversies involving CNN

CNN (Cable News Network), an American basic cable and satellite television channel, has been the bailiwick of several controversies. This commodity recounts controversies and allegations relating to both the domestic version of CNN, and its sister channels CNN International and CNN-News18.

Allegations of bias [edit]

CNN has ofttimes been the subject of allegations of political party bias. The New York Times has described its evolution of a partisan lean during the tenure of Jeff Zucker. [1] In enquiry conducted by the Shorenstein Centre on Media, Politics and Public Policy at Harvard University and the Project for Excellence in Journalism, the authors found disparate treatment by CNN of Republican and Democratic candidates during the earliest five months of the presidential primaries in 2007: "The CNN programming studied tended to cast a negative light on Republican candidates—by a margin of three-to-i. Four-in-x stories (41%) were conspicuously negative while just 14% were positive and 46% were neutral. The network provided negative coverage of all 3 main candidates with McCain fairing the worst (63% negative) and Romney fairing a piddling better than the others merely considering a majority of his coverage was neutral. It's non that Democrats, other than Obama, fared well on CNN either. Nearly half of the Illinois Senator's stories were positive (46%), vs. just viii% that were negative. Simply both Clinton and Edwards concluded upward with more than negative than positive coverage overall. So while coverage for Democrats overall was a bit more than positive than negative, that was almost all due to extremely favorable coverage for Obama."[2] In a New York Observer column entitled "Clinton News Network", political journalist Steve Kornacki criticized CNN's handling of the November 15, 2007, Democratic presidential debate, calling it biased towards Hillary Clinton.[iii]

In September 2009, a Pew Enquiry Center Poll showed that Democrats were much more likely than Republicans to rate the network favorably, while Republicans were much more likely than Democrats to run across CNN unfavorably.[4] A 2019 Pew Research survey showed that among Americans who named CNN every bit their master source for political and election news, 79% identify as Democrats whereas 17% place as Republicans. Among major circulate news networks, the CNN audience displays higher levels of partisanship than ABC, CBS and NBC, but lower than Fox News and MSNBC.[5]

Octavia Nasr firing [edit]

In 2011, Chief Middle East contributor Octavia Nasr was fired after a tweet maxim she was "Pitiful to hear of the passing of Sayed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah... One of Hezbollah's giants I respect[ed] a lot." Parisa Khosravi, senior vice president of CNN International, said she spoke with Nasr, and "we have decided that she will be leaving the company". Her reason for her removal was given as "As you know, her tweet over the weekend created a wide reaction. As she has stated in her web log on, she fully accepts that she should non have made such a simplistic comment without any context whatsoever. However, at this point, we believe that her brownie in her position as senior editor for Heart Eastern affairs has been compromised going forwards."[6]

Robert Fisk criticized CNN for the firing, saying, "Poor quondam CNN goes on getting more cowardly past the hour. That's why no one cares nearly it any more".[7]

Semiautomatic weapons [edit]

CNN apologized for a May 15, 2003, story in which CNN'southward John Zarella and Broward County, Florida Sheriff Ken Jenne demonstrated the rapid firing of fully automated firearms while covering the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, due to elapse the following year. The Assault Weapons Ban was concerned solely with semiautomatic firearms, not fully automated ones, which had already been restricted by the National Firearms Act of 1934, and the subsequent 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act.[8] [nine]

Coverage of the 2016 U.S. presidential election [edit]

Occupy CNN protest [edit]

On April 3, 2016, hundreds of supporters of Bernie Sanders protested outside of CNN'due south Los Angeles bureau on Dusk Boulevard. Sanders supporters were protesting CNN's coverage of the 2016 United States presidential elections, specifically in regards to the lack of airtime Sanders had received. Known as Occupy CNN, protesters claimed that major media networks have intentionally blacked out Sanders' presidential entrada in favor of giving much more airtime to candidates such as Hillary Clinton.[10]

Donna Brazile and Roland Martin [edit]

In October 2016, WikiLeaks published emails from John Podesta which showed CNN correspondent Donna Brazile passing the questions for a CNN-sponsored debate to the Clinton campaign.[11] In the email, Brazile discussed her concern about Clinton'southward ability to field a question regarding the capital punishment. The following day Clinton would receive the question about the death penalty, verbatim, from an audience member at the CNN-hosted Town Hall event.[12] According to a CNNMoney investigation, debate moderator and CNN contributor Roland Martin (now with Goggle box One) "did not deny sharing information with Brazile".[13] CNN severed ties with Brazile on October 14, 2016.[14] [15]

WikiLeaks emails [edit]

During live coverage of the 2016 elections, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo said that downloading the hacked and stolen Podesta emails from the WikiLeaks website was a violation of police force and that only the media could legally do so. The statement drew criticism to the network for being false.[xvi] [17] [xviii]

Coverage of the 2020 U.S. presidential ballot [edit]

CNN Iowa debate moderation [edit]

During the 2020 Autonomous Political party presidential primaries debate chastened by CNN and the Des Moines Register on January 14, 2020, CNN faced controversy and criticism from media pundits and the public alike over what many saw every bit breathy bias for centrist candidates[19] as well equally a CNN article[20] some journalists[ who? ] believe to exist a manufactured hit piece intended to depict Bernie Sanders as a misogynist[21] [22] prior to the argue followed by a series of adversarial and loaded questions during the debate itself regarding the anonymously sourced story.[23] The fence moderation by CNN was described as "villainous and shameful" by Rolling Stone 's Matt Taibbi[24] and Zach Carter at The Huffington Post said the debate moderation was "awful", writing "Over again and once more, CNN anchors substituted centrist talking points for questions―and and then followed up predictable responses with farther centrist talking points, rarely illuminating whatsoever substantive disagreements between the candidates or issues with their policy positions".[25] Jeet Heer, the national affairs contributor at The Nation said "the big loser of the nighttime was the network that hosted the effect. CNN was and so consistently aligned against Bernie Sanders that it compromised its claim to journalistic neutrality."[26]

Trump administration coverage [edit]

On January 10, 2017, CNN reported on the beingness of classified documents that said Russia had compromising personal and financial information about then President-elect Donald Trump. CNN did not publish the Steele dossier, or whatever specific details of the dossier. Later that twenty-four hour period, BuzzFeed published the entire 35-page dossier with a disclaimer that it was unverified and "includes some clear errors".[27] [28] [29] The dossier had been read widely by political and media figures in Washington, and had been sent to multiple other journalists who had declined to publish it as it was unsubstantiated.[27] At a printing conference the following day, Trump referred to CNN as "fake news" and refused to accept a question from CNN reporter Jim Acosta.[30]

On Feb 24, 2017, CNN and other media organizations such as The New York Times were blocked from a White House printing gaggle. The network responded in a statement: "Apparently this is how they retaliate when you report facts they don't similar. We'll go on reporting regardless."[31]

On June 26, 2017, 3 network investigative journalists; Thomas Frank, Eric Lichtblau, and Lex Haris, resigned from CNN over a false story, later retracted, that continued Anthony Scaramucci to a $10 billion Russian investment fund. The network apologized to Scaramucci and stated that the online story did not meet their editorial standards.[32]

In June 2017, the network also imposed new rules on Russian federation–related stories being published to social, video, editorial, or MoneyStream without going through the chain of command within CNN.[33]

The Washington Post again fact-checked a CNN report regarding Trump on December eight, 2017: CNN ran a story that claimed 2 sources told the network that the Trump campaign received an email that gave Trump and his son Donald Trump Jr. early access to WikiLeaks documents on September 4, 2016. CNN, however, had non obtained the supposed September 4 email. The sender was "Michael J. Erickson", who CNN was non able to contact. The Washington Post, however, did obtain the email, which showed that the email was actually sent on the twenty-four hours after the hacked documents were released by WikiLeaks on September 14, 2016.[34] [35] CNN issued a correction of their story.[35]

In January 2020, Don Lemon had a panel discussion on his show with Republican strategist Rick Wilson and The New York Times columnist Wajahat Ali, both of whom have spoken out against Trump. Lemon began laughing after Wilson joked, "Trump couldn't find Ukraine on a map if you had the alphabetic character 'U' and a moving-picture show of an actual physical crane next to it" and chosen Trump supporters "the credulous boomer rube demo."[36] Lemon continued to laugh as the 2 guests mocked Trump supporters using a southern accent saying things like "y'all elitists with your geography and your maps and your spelling" and "Your math and your readin'."[37] Subsequently Trump responded by calling Lemon "the dumbest man on goggle box," Lemon defended himself proverb "During an interview on Sabbatum night, 1 of my guests said something that made me laugh. And while in the moment I found that joke humorous, I didn't catch everything that was said. Just to brand this perfectly articulate, I was laughing at the joke and not at any group of people."[38]

Coverage on international incidents [edit]

Persian Gulf State of war [edit]

During the Farsi Gulf War in 1990–1991, CNN was criticized for excessively pushing human interest stories and fugitive depictions of violent images, the event being an alleged "propagandistic" presentation of news.[39] A report by Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) quotes an unnamed CNN reporter every bit describing "the 'sweet beautiful sight' of bombers taking off from Saudi Arabia".[40]

Coverage of Iranian protests [edit]

In 2014, the network was criticized for an unusual absence of live coverage of a large fix of protests that followed the 2014 elections in Iran.[41]

Coverage of Margaret Thatcher'southward decease [edit]

CNN was criticized for using a photograph of former Prime Minister of the United kingdom Margaret Thatcher with disgraced BBC presenter Jimmy Savile iv times during coverage of her death on April 8, 2013.[42] Allegations of sexual abuse against Savile were made public in 2012, a year after his death, leading United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland police to believe that Savile may accept been one of Britain's most prolific sex offenders.[43] An image of Thatcher with Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet was as well run during the broadcast, leading some commentators to charge CNN of bias.[44]

Disharmonize with Venezuelan government [edit]

On February viii, 2017, a articulation CNN and CNN en Español investigation – based on the data provided by a whistleblower exiled in Kingdom of spain and subsequent investigations, reported that employees of the Venezuelan Diplomatic mission in Baghdad, Republic of iraq has been selling passports and visas to persons from Eye Eastern countries with dubious backgrounds for profits, including to members of the Lebanese group Hezbollah. The Venezuelan immigration department, SAIME, confirmed the sold passports' genuineness as each passport came with an assigned national identification number, although the names of these individuals were contradistinct when checking confronting the national database. At least ane individual'due south identify of birth was also changed from Iraq to Venezuela. The Venezuelan foreign minister, Delcy Rodriguez, denied the government's involvement when questioned by the reporters during the Seventy-kickoff session of the United Nations Full general Assembly, and defendant the network of performing what she described equally an "imperialistic media operation" against Venezuela for airing the year-long fraud investigation.[45] On February 14, 2017, Venezuelan government banned CNN en Español from dissemination two days after the Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, ordered CNN to "[get] well away from here".[46] [47]

After the decision, CNN responded by providing a live-streaming service on YouTube and CNN en Español'south website gratis of charge for Venezuelan viewers. The English-language CNN International channel is yet being circulate in Venezuela.[48]

Essex truck deaths reports [edit]

On October 23, 2019, 39 dead bodies were discovered in a refrigerated truck in Essex, United Kingdom. There were initial reports from the media maxim that all 31 men and 8 women inside the truck were Chinese illegal immigrants beingness smuggled into the United kingdom.[49] On the October 25, 2019 Chinese Strange Ministry's daily press conference, the Chinese foreign ministry building spokeswoman Hua Chunying stated that "[t]he British police are working against the clock to verify the victims, but currently they are not able to confirm their nationalities."[l] In a follow up question, CNN reporter David Culver linked the incident with the 70th anniversary of the People's Commonwealth of People's republic of china historic earlier by asking "there have been many successes, advances and progress of the past 70 years with the People'south Democracy of Red china, [but] from an outside perspective, what would and so motivate people from Cathay to want to leave in such a risky manner?"[50] [51] A similar CNN commentary was also published earlier questioning "Why would people from China, the earth'due south 2nd-biggest economic system, take a chance their lives to enter the Britain?"[52] Hua claimed the question was inappropriate, repeated that the nationalities of the victims were notwithstanding under verification, retorting: "What kind of answer did you lot promise to get from that?". She said the CNN reporter's presumption of linking the identity of those victims with the Prc's 70th anniversary reflected the "wrongful mindset" of the Western media. Hua also emphasized that the current pressing upshot was to step up international cooperation in countering human trafficking, and notice ways to avert like tragedies from happening once more. In the report of CNN, this question was described only "almost the possibility of Chinese citizens being illegally trafficked" and "was rebuffed by the spokesperson".[53]

The video clip of the press conference was immediately widely publicized and circulated on Chinese websites and social media, with many Chinese beingness angered by CNN'southward question and praising Hua'south "appropriate" answer.[54] [55] Hu Xijin, editor of the Chinese paper Global Times and an influential news commentator on the social media, said on his Weibo that the CNN reporter was "brought into a ditch" by the Chinese public intellectuals who "seemed to collude with each other". Hu said he wanted to remind those reporters they "should not just look at those few dissidents who hold unlike opinions and shouting on the Internet. Reach more to the general public in Chinese society. Don't just listen to opinions pleasing to yourselves."[56] Later equally the police confirmed that all victims were from Vietnam, the People'due south Daily likewise published an online commentary criticising CNN for "violat[ing] the ethics of news reporting", and "prove[ing] its intention to tarnish Communist china's image without acquiring solid facts and final results from British police."[57]

Operation Tailwind [edit]

In 1998, CNN, in partnership with sister Time magazine, ran a report that during the Vietnam War the U.South. War machine used sarin gas against a grouping of N Vietnamese soldiers during Performance Tailwind in 1970 in Laos. The Pentagon denied the story. Skeptics accounted information technology improbable that such an extraordinary and risky atrocity could accept gone unnoticed at the top of the Vietnam War'due south unpopularity. CNN, after a two-week inquiry, issued a retraction.[58] The story'south producers were summarily fired, and one of them has been highly critical of CNN'south handling of the story, saying that the network bowed to force per unit area from high-ranking officials to impale the story.[59] [sixty]

Suppression of Bahraini protests, and reporting of Iran and Syria [edit]

In October 2011, contributor Amber Lyon met with Tony Maddox, president of CNN International, twice about a documentary on advances of republic in the Centre East in which she was featured, and which was aired in the Us just never by CNN International—the most watched English news channel in the Middle E—despite a high production cost, international acclaim and awards. She claimed that during the second meeting she was threatened and intimated to cease speaking on the affair. According to a CNN employee, officials from the Bahrain regime called CNN constantly lament almost Lyon's participation in the network. She was after laid-off.[61]

2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine [edit]

In February 2022, while covering air-raid sirens over the city of Kyiv during the invasion, CNN came under fire for playing an Applebee's commercial featuring the upbeat song Chicken Fried in a dissever-screen commercial break with the war coverage. Following the incident, Applebee'southward pulled its advert from CNN. [62]

Individuals [edit]

Executives [edit]

Resignation of Eason Jordan [edit]

In February 2005, Eason Jordan resigned from CNN. The resignation came in response to controversy sparked after bloggers wrote that, at the contempo World Economical Forum, Jordan had seemed to charge the U.S. military of having purposely killed journalists. While Hashemite kingdom of jordan acknowledged his remarks were non sufficiently clear, he denied that this was what he had meant to imply, maxim that he had "great admiration and respect for the men and women of the U.S. armed services".[63]

Jeff Zucker [edit]

CNN was criticized for its coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing, afterward erroneously reporting that a "nighttime-skinned male person" had been arrested in connection with the attack.[64] [65] [66] In the backwash of the broadcast, Jeff Zucker – who became president of CNN in 2013 – lauded the coverage, claiming that "CNN shined this week",[67] and boasted ratings success that CNN achieved during the coverage, calculation that "viewers respected the network'due south accountability when it admitted its mistakes".[68] Comedian Jon Stewart criticized Zucker's comments afterward calling CNN'southward coverage of the Washington Navy Grand shooting "incoherent wrongness", claiming that, "The lesson they take from this is – it doesn't thing how much they betray our trust. Nosotros'll continue coming dorsum."[68]

In 2017, Vox described CNN equally "treat[ing] politics like a sport" and stated that CNN under Jeff Zucker heavily uses debates to manufacture drama.[69]

Zucker resigned from CNN on Feb ii, 2022, after previously failing to disclose a romantic relationship with CNN executive Allison Gollust during an internal review into the conduct of former CNN ballast Chris Cuomo.[70] Gollust also resigned upon the conclusion of the review later that month, later on parent visitor WarnerMedia released a memo stating that she was one of three top figures that had "violated its official journalism standards and practices".[71]

Hosts and contributors [edit]

Brooke Baldwin [edit]

During the 2015 Baltimore riots, CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin suggested that veterans were responsible for the unrest, proverb soldiers who go police force officers "are coming back from war, they don't know the communities, and they're ready to practice battle". Baldwin initially pushed back critics, challenge she was just repeating something a city official had told her. She after apologized via Twitter and on-air.[72]

Carol Costello [edit]

On Oct 22, 2014, CNN Newsroom host Carol Costello reported on the audio release of Bristol Palin existence assaulted by a homo at a get-together in Alaska. Costello laughed and called it "quite possibly the best minute and a half of audio nosotros've ever come beyond".[73] She was instantly criticized for making fun of a adult female who was beingness physically driveling past a man she did not know, as well every bit for existence a hypocrite after recently calling for ESPN to append Stephen A. Smith later on comments he made about women during the Ray Rice controversy. Costello eventually apologized in a statement to Politico, stating: "Over the past few days, I have been roundly criticized for joking about a brawl involving the Palin family unit. In retrospect, I deserve such criticism and would like to apologize."[74]

Chris Cuomo [edit]

On November thirty, 2021, broadcaster Chris Cuomo was suspended indefinitely after the New York Attorney General released new documents showing that he had helped his brother Andrew Cuomo battling sexual harassment allegations. CNN said in a statement that "these documents point to a greater level of involvement in his brother's efforts than we previously knew."[75] [76] Iv days later on, CNN fired Cuomo after hiring a law firm to conduct a review of the matter.[77]

Don Lemon [edit]

On June 22, 2015, Don Lemon attempted to spark fence by property upward the Confederate flag and a sign with "nigger" written in large capital letters while asking, "does this offend yous?" He received immediate criticism for the stunt.[78] It as well started a serial of memes on the internet, which featured the original screen shot of Lemon holding the sign, the headline "Does this Offend Yous?" and unlike images or sayings photoshopped over the sign.[79]

Fredricka Whitfield [edit]

On June xiii, 2015, while discussing the 2015 attack on the Dallas police headquarters, host Fredricka Whitfield referred to the gunman, James Boulware, as "courageous and brave, if non crazy". The comment received immediate backlash and calls for her to repent. The adjacent mean solar day, Whitfield stated on air that she misspoke and in no fashion believed the gunman was mettlesome or brave.[80] Later the backlash connected, she issued another on-air apology on June 15, saying she terribly misused those words, now understood how offensive it was and was sincerely sad.[81] [82]

Lou Dobbs [edit]

CNN host Lou Dobbs promoted the false conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was not born in the United states of america.[83] [84] His willingness to raise the "birther" issue repeatedly[85] even though CNN itself considered it a "discredited rumor",[86] led The Washington Postal service 's Goggle box critic to remark that this "explains their upcoming documentary: 'The World: Flat. We Report – You Determine.'"[87] The issue had come up in 2008 during the Presidential campaign, and had largely disappeared from the media spotlight until Dobbs picked up the upshot over again.[88] His statements in support of these conspiracy theories were dubbed "racist" and "defamatory" past the Southern Poverty Law Eye.[89] [90] The controversy led to Media Matters ambulation ads critical of Dobbs and of CNN,[91] and to Jon Stewart mocking Dobbs on the satirical Comedy Key television serial The Daily Show.[92] The New York Times said that Dobbs had "go a publicity nightmare for CNN, embarrassed his dominate and hosted a show that seemed to contradict the network's 'no bias' brand."[93]

Reza Aslan [edit]

After the 2017 London Bridge attack, CNN host Reza Aslan took to Twitter to phone call and so-President Donald Trump "a piece of shit" and a "man baby" for his response to the attack.[94] In response to his remarks, CNN appear on June 9 that they had severed ties with Aslan and said they would not motion forward with season two of the Believer series.[95] Aslan said of the cancellation, "I am not a journalist. I am a social commentator and scholar. And so, I concord with CNN that it is best that we part means."[95]

Other [edit]

Jon Stewart's Crossfire appearance [edit]

Comedian Jon Stewart appeared on Crossfire on October 15, 2004, and criticized its format and the style of arguments presented on the prove. He chosen hosts Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala "partisan hacks", and asked them to "stop hurting America". Begala argued that the purpose of the show was that it was intended as for debate, to which Stewart responded "To do a debate would be great. Simply that'southward similar saying pro wrestling is a show about athletic contest" and called Carlson's signature bow-tie an example of "theater". At ane point Carlson told Stewart "I think yous're more fun on your show", Stewart replied past saying: "You know what's interesting though? Y'all're equally big a dick on your show as you are on whatsoever evidence." Carlson later told Stewart that, "Yous demand to become a task at a journalism school, I retrieve", to which Stewart quipped, "You demand to go to one".[96] [97] [98]

Carlson departed CNN in Jan 2005; the network cancelled Crossfire at that same fourth dimension. CNN president Jonathan Klein stated that, "I agree wholeheartedly with Jon Stewart's overall premise."[98] [99] Carlson said that he had resigned from CNN before Stewart's advent claiming: "I resigned from Crossfire in Apr, many months before Jon Stewart came on our show, because I didn't like the partisanship, and I thought in some ways it was kind of a pointless conversation... each side coming out, you know, [raises fists] 'Here's my argument', and no one listening to anyone else. [CNN] was a frustrating place to work."[100] [101] Begala remained with CNN after Crossfire 's cancellation.

Steubenville High School rape example coverage [edit]

Candy Crowley, Poppy Harlow and Paul Callan were criticized for being sympathetic towards the two convicted rapists in the Steubenville High School rape case and for placing very little focus on the victim on March 17, 2013.[102] [103] [104] During the course of the delinquent verdict, Harlow stated that it was "Incredibly hard, even for an outsider like me, to scout what happened as these 2 young men that had such promising futures, star football players, very adept students, literally watched equally they believed their lives fell autonomously...when that sentence came down, [Ma'lik] collapsed in the arms of his attorney... He said to him, 'My life is over. No one is going to want me at present.'"[102] [105] [106] An online petition garnered over 200,000 signatures protesting the coverage and demanding an apology.[107]

Coverage of the Cleveland kidnapping victims [edit]

On the morning of May 7, 2013, CNN interrupted coverage of the Jodi Arias murder trial with an update of the release of three young women from Cleveland, Ohio who were kidnapped by Ariel Castro between 2002 and 2004. CNN correspondent Ashleigh Banfield appeared to interview HLN host Nancy Grace from a remote location, and it appeared that both were filming from parking lots. The channel graphics afterwards alerted viewers that both reporters were in Phoenix, Arizona. The same cars were noticeable driving behind the two anchors, first behind Banfield and and then by Grace. It became obvious that Grace and Banfield were, in fact, sitting in the same parking lot, pretending to exist in remote locations when both were really approximately 30 anxiety from each other.[108]

Redditor controversy [edit]

On July 2, 2017, so-President Donald Trump posted a video on Twitter depicting him repeatedly clotheslining and punching WWE possessor Vince McMahon on the ground during WrestleMania 23. The clip had been edited to place a CNN logo over McMahon's face. Two days subsequently, CNN published a story entitled, "How CNN found the Reddit user behind the Trump wrestling GIF", which labeled Reddit user "HanAssholeSolo" as the creator of the viral video. In the article, political reporter Andrew Kaczynski explained the process that immune the system to discover the identity of the user.[109]

Later the publication of the commodity, the user posted an apology to CNN, including apologies for previous Reddit postings that could be taken besides equally containing racist, anti-Islam, and anti-Semitic language and imagery on the Reddit group /r/The_Donald. Immediately afterwards, his apology was locked and deleted by the subreddit's moderators[109] [110] [111] while the user deleted his Reddit account.[112] [113] After confirming the identity of the Reddit user, HanAssholeSolo expressed his unwillingness for his name to exist released to the public. In response, CNN stated that they would not reveal his name, equally he was "[a] individual citizen who has issued an extensive statement of amends, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly beliefs on social media once more. In add-on, he said his statement could serve as an example to others non to do the same. CNN reserves the correct to publish his identity should any of that alter."[109]

Prominent right-wing users on social media subsequently accused CNN of blackmailing the user, using a hashtag, #CNNBlackmail, that was heavily pushed by Julian Assange, as well every bit various right-wing online activists and conspiracy theorists.[114] [115] Kaczynski responded by stating that CNN's statement was "misinterpreted", and that the user said that he was not threatened prior to his amends.[116] Meanwhile, Madison Malone Kircher of New York mag opined that CNN could accept avoided the internet vigilantism if the network had simply published his identity, every bit is common in similar situations, criticizing their determination to "protect" the user.[117]

CNN'southward decision to withhold the user's proper name was also criticized by William Grueskin, a professor at Columbia University. Grueskin argued that the user was neither an corruption victim nor a confidential witness nor a juvenile. Meanwhile, Indira Lakshmanan of Poynter Establish said that it was more likely that, out of fear, the user begged CNN to have his name withheld.[118] Kirsten Powers, a commentator at CNN, as well criticized CNN's conclusion, request in a United states of america Today commodity: "What about the people he routinely dehumanizes and degrades online?".[119] Powers also wrote on Twitter that "people do not take a 'right' to stay anonymous then they tin spew their racist, misogynist, homophobic garbage".[120]

Coverage of the January 2019 Lincoln Memorial confrontation [edit]

On March 12, 2019, lawyers of Nick Sandmann, who was involved in the January 2019 Lincoln Memorial confrontation, filed a lawsuit on his behalf against CNN, seeking Us$275 one thousand thousand in damages,[121] for allegedly "vicious" and "direct attacks" towards Sandmann. On Jan 7, 2020, the lawsuit was settled. The terms of the settlement have non been made public.[122] [123]

Coverage of the Kenosha unrest [edit]

On the dark of Baronial 26, 2020, CNN displayed a video caption during a news report showing a edifice engulfed in flames during the Kenosha unrest that read "Fiery But By and large Peaceful Protests After Police Shooting".[124] Conservative and Republican users on social media criticized the caption, including Eric Trump, son of and so-President Donald Trump.[124]

Propaganda allegations on Expo 2020 coverage [edit]

In July 2021, CNN made an annunciation that information technology will be the official broadcaster for the Expo 2020 Dubai, which was to exist inaugurated in October 2021.[125] Consequently, the news media initiated a "Dubai Now" vertical, covering the city's progress. Human rights group Freedom Forward criticized the agreement between the Emirates and CNN, and urged for the media business firm to be transparent about their relationship with the Arab nation, both on the financial and contractual terms.[126]

See also [edit]

  • Anti-CNN
  • Al Jazeera controversies and criticism
  • CBS News controversies and criticism
  • BBC controversies
  • Play tricks News controversies
  • MSNBC controversies
  • Press Television set controversies
  • The New York Times controversies

References [edit]

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